



1. 資料收集 本應用程式不會收集、儲存或傳輸任何關於您的個人資訊。

2. 使用者數據 本應用程式不要求或收集個人識別數據。所有設定(如節奏、主題顏色)僅存在於應用程式內,並且在您關閉應用後不會保存。

3. 許可權 本應用程式不需要任何額外的權限。

4. 廣告與第三方服務 本應用程式不包含任何廣告,亦不連結至任何第三方服務。

5. 兒童隱私 本應用程式適用於所有年齡段的用戶,並不特別針對13歲以下兒童的用戶。該應用程式不收集兒童的個人資訊。

6. 更新隱私政策 本隱私政策如有更新,將直接反映於應用程式內及其相關頁面。

聯繫我們 如果您對本隱私政策有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件與我們聯繫:peijulink@gmail.com


Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to any information provided by you when using the “Tan Te Metronome” application. This app does not collect personal information or store any data from the user. Please read the following privacy policy carefully.

1. Data Collection This app does not collect, store, or transmit any personal information about you.

2. User Data The app does not require or collect any personally identifiable data. All settings (such as tempo or theme color) are stored locally in the app and are not retained after you close the app.

3. Permissions The app does not require any additional permissions.

4. Ads and Third-Party Services This app contains no ads and does not link to any third-party services.

5. Children’s Privacy This app is suitable for all age groups and does not specifically target users under the age of 13. It does not collect any personal information from children.

6. Privacy Policy Updates Any updates to this privacy policy will be reflected directly within the app and its related pages.

Contact Us If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us via email: peijulink@gmail.com